I believe in life after death. Not only has there been proof of it throughout my life, but I started down a spiritual journey of enlightenment and if I had doubts before, I don't any more. One thing you have to remember is that the afterlife will appear to be whatever you believe. So if you believe you will see Jesus or meet a form of God. You will. If you believe you will go to hell, that experience will be created for you. But remember that if you believe this, you are believing that you need to be punished for something and are therefore punishing yourself.
I am lucky enough to have Jesus as one of my spirit guides. I've seen him in meditations and he has filled me with light, love and strength, I also believe that my grandmother is one of my spirit guides because I feel close to her still even though several years have passed since her death. I am also, pretty positive that I have some Extra-terrestrial spirit guides as I have also seen them in meditations. I know for sure that Jesus is there for me and so are all of my guides. When I pass on, Jesus and Grandma will be there for sure, and I'm hoping that Mickey and Sophie (family dogs) will be there as well.
I believe that once the soul leaves your body, your essence or your energy is confused, because it suddenly is no longer connected to the body. That is one of the reasons we have guides and angels. They meet us on the other side to help with the confusion of passing over. I think we stick around for a bit, not sure how long, but once it's time to go your spirit guides lead you to your next venture.
I also believe in reincarnation. Some believe that earth has a reincarnation cycle that we get stuck in, and I recently heard that if you no longer want to incarnate on earth, you look away from the light and say "I want to go home" and you will be home in an instant, wherever your soul originated from.
If you follow the light, you end up in Earth's reincarnation cycle. You might be sent to rest for a while, or you might be sent to a heavenly plain where you can be at peace for a while before you review your life. Reviewing your life isn't easy, but you get a chance to learn from your mistakes and then you use this information to decide what kind of incarnation you are going to have next. You work with others to figure out how to fix your karmic ties and then you reincarnate when it's time to do so.
I've sort of decided that I am going to try and go home. But I'm wondering when I become disconnected from my body if I will remember that I need to stay on earth for a while longer. Or if I will realize that if I go home, I'll never see the souls that I have been reincarnating with. I believe these souls are my closest friends and family with whom I have a deep connection. This is a theory that I've been playing with, that those that you are closest to in life are your "Soul Family". This can mean different things to different people, but what it means to me is that these are the people that I continue to reincarnate with. So, if I pass on before them, I will wait for them before I reincarnate again.
Because of my beliefs and my knowledge of life after death, I'm not afraid to die. I am however, afraid to leave my loved ones, family, and friends behind for I know they will be sad and I don't want that, and I'll miss them dearly. But I want all of them to know, that there is life after death and that my energy will go on. I won't really be gone and I'll always be a part of you. Also, if you are close to me in this life. I'm pretty sure I'll see you again:).
So, I have lots of friends who channel the dead, or ETs, or spirits, or angels, and this means that they clear their mind and ask that these energies come to them and speak to them. It doesn't work for everyone. But I believe if you were close to me, you very well might be able to channel me. I'd love to try and communicate from the other side if I can. So if you aren't uncomfortable with it, I think you should try. You can look up channeling or talking to spirits or passed loved ones online and give it a try if you are brave.
There are many different religions in the world and we fight over which one is right, but in reality they are all right in one way or another. There are similar themes in every main religion that go hand in hand with one another. Some people believe that because I believe in energy, crystals, and reincarnation that I don't believe in God. But, God is very real. God is everything. God is you and me and everything in the multi-verse. I am God. You are God. We have divine power within us that we don't understand. We forgot that it exists and we have forgotten how to access it. If you only knew how powerful you really are, you'd never be afraid again.
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